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Rabu, 21 Juli 2021 22:00:00

Envision Digital Partners with Microsoft to Implement Net Zero Technology Solutions

Envision Digital's AIoT operating system with Microsoft's technology enables clean energy transition and helps organisations take action towards achieving Net Zero
SINGAPORE - 21 July 2021 - Envision Digital International Pte Ltd ("Envision Digital"), a global Net Zero partner and an Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) technology leader announced a collaboration with Microsoft to implement net zero technology solutions.

The collaboration with Microsoft will empower Envision Digital to pursue technical excellence and accelerate business growth with cloud adoption, with the objective to help organisations around the world meet energy efficiency goals while progressing on their digital transformation journeys.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that all future fossil fuel projects must be scrapped if the world is to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050, and to stand any chance of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In a special report designed to inform negotiators at the crucial COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November, the IEA predicted a sharp decline in fossil fuel demand in the next three decades, as well as a 2040 deadline for the global energy sector to achieve carbon neutrality.
In line with IEA's report, Envision Digital has taken bold action to rally its collective efforts toward solving the climate crisis. The company is committed to becoming the world's leading Net Zero technology partner for enterprises, governments, and cities, and has set challenging individual goals for carbon neutrality � its parent company, Envision Group, commits to be carbon neutral in its operations by 2022 and in its entire value chain by 2028.
In addition, Lei Zhang, the founder of Envision Digital and Envision Group, has been appointed into  IEA's Our Energy Future: The Global Commission on People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions commission. As the sole business leader in the commission, Lei provides valuable industry knowledge and expertise around clean energy transition, and on how organisations and businesses can achieve Net Zero with emerging technologies.
Headquartered in Singapore, Envision Digital owns EnOS� � a world-class AIoT operating system that currently manages more than 200 gigawatts of energy assets globally. Driven by machine learning, Envision Digital's proprietary monitoring, advanced analytics, forecasting, and optimising applications provide actionable insights and reliable controls to better manage assets' energy performance.
Therefore, the collaboration between Envision Digital and Microsoft will use Envision Digital's AIoT technology and Microsoft's worldwide channels and industry experiences in the pursuit of technical excellence. Working together with Microsoft, Envision Digital aims to build and operate EnOS� as an advanced AIoT platform, benefitting from Microsoft technologies.
"By combining Envision Digital's AIoT capabilities and Microsoft's solutions, organisations will be able to quantitatively track and measure emissions across their entire value chain, and ultimately, do their part in building a green and sustainable future powered by clean energy. This collaboration will advance our broader goal of bringing more net zero partners on our journey towards carbon neutrality," said Michael Ding, Global Executive Director, Envision Digital.
To accelerate its collaboration as well as technology innovations with Microsoft, Envision Digital will use Microsoft Azure as its cloud platform. The technical integration of Envision Digital's EnOS� and Azure IoT, Data and AI platform services will help businesses accelerate their digital transformation goals and take action toward more sustainable business practices.
"Microsoft has set bold sustainability commitments and by partnering with organisations like Envision Digital, we are able to help advance the efforts to achieve a net zero carbon future," said Jeyan Jeevaratnam, strategic partnerships lead, Microsoft Asia. "Envision Digital has successfully implemented the EnOS platform across smart buildings and facilities, including on Microsoft campuses in the Greater China region. Through our relationship, Envision Digital will use Microsoft Azure to reach a greater number of businesses and industries to help them build a more sustainable future."  (*).

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